Monthly Archives: August 2015

Do you think?

Do you think you are alone?

you are wrong

Do you think no one cares who you are?

you are wrong

Do you think you have reached the end?

you are wrong

but wait, I bet you are tired of others telling you that you are wrong all the time aren’t you?

This my friend is the beginning.  The beginning of your new life.  You are in control of what you do.  Drugs? Alcohol? Abusive relationship? None of that can stop you!  Set your mind on the goal.  The goal of controlling your life and being a positive reflection on others. Are you embarrassed? Guess what….it’s ok!  Most people have problems, they just are more fake than you are. Let’s prove them wrong! Let’s show them together that you can get control!  You can do this for no one but yourself!  People are there to help you.  Even if everyone in your family has given up on you, they still love you.  Your friends that you have lied to, done wrong and let an addiction come between you, they still love you.  They want you to win.  I want you to win.  So if you think everyone has given up on you…guess what I am here.  I am here to help you. Matt Black never turns his back. We should help one another as humans. As Gods children walking in his light we should help one and another. You don’t know me.. You don’t have to. I know people that can help you during any struggle. All new people.  People who will not judge you, they just want to help.  I will help you get into those rehabilitation centers. I promise I can do that. All you have to do is ask. Ask Matt Black to help you. Let’s prove everyone wrong.

You are somebody to me.